Building Block View

Scope and Context

graph TD;
    root[kp-commons-root] --> bom[kp-commons-bom];
    root --> checkstyle[kp-checkstyle];
    root --> parent;

    parent[kp-commons-parent] --> spring-boot-parent[kp-spring-boot-parent]
    parent --> core-root;
    parent --> modules-root;
    parent --> services-root;

    core-root[kp-commons-core-root] --> api[kp-commons-api]
    core-root --> core[kp-commons-core]
    core-root --> test[kp-commons-test]

    modules-root[kp-commons-modules-root] --> jackson[kp-commons-jackson]
    modules-root --> jpa[kp-commons-jpa]
    modules-root --> rest[kp-commons-rest]
    modules-root --> vaadin[kp-commons-vaadin]

    services-root[kp-commons-services-root] --> dnb-lookup[kp-commons-dnb-lookup]
    services-root --> ean-search[kp-commons-ean-search]
    services-root --> sms77[kp-commons-sms77]
Name Responsibility
kp-checkstyle The checkstyle definition for the Kaiserpfalz EDV-Service.
kp-commons-parent The parent for the Kaiserpfalz EDV-Service libraries.
kp-spring-boot-parent The spring-boot parent for the Kaiserpfalz EDV-Service spring-boot services.
kp-commons-api API for the core and module libraries.
kp-commons-core Core library with common features.
kp-commons-test Handling tests.
kp-commons-jackson Handling serialization and deserialization for json and XML.
kp-commons-jpa Handling persistence with JPA.
kp-commons-rest Handling REST requests.
kp-commons-vaadin Vaadin common modules and widgets.
kp-commons-dnb-lookup Lookup of books via the service of the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (DNB).
kp-commons-ean-search Lookup of EAN numbers with the service of EAN Search.
kp-commons-sms77 Sending SMS messages via the service of (formerly SMS77).
Maven multi module projects for managing the kp-commons.