
graph LR;

q[Quality] --> s[Security];
q --> u[Upgradeability]
q --> e[Extendability]
q --> p[Performance]
q --> o[Observability]

s --> sa[Authentication and Authorization]
sa --> sa01[SA01 OpenID Connect Integration]
sa --> sa02[SA02 UME Integration]
sa --> sa03[SA03 mTLS]
s --> sd[Dependency Vulnerability]
sd --> sd01[SD01 Build Time Scanning]
sd --> sd02[SD02 Run Time Scanning]
s --> sb[Bugs and secure coding]
sb --> sd01
sb --> sd02
sb --> sb01[SB01 Secure Design]

u --> ud[Dependency Management]
ud --> ab01
u --> uc[Code organization]
u --> us[Replaceable External Services]

e --> a
e --> em[Modularization]
e --> es[Common Approach for External Services]

p --> pl[Core Libraries]
p --> pm[Module Libraries]
p --> ps[External Services]

o --> ol[Logging]
ol --> ol01[OL01 Central Log Collection]
o --> or[Reporting]
or --> or02[OR02 Dashboarding]
or --> or01[OR01 Interval Reporting]
o --> om[Monitoring]
om --> or01
om --> om01[OM01 Metrics]
om01 --> or
om --> om02[OM02 Alerting]

s --> a[Automation]
u --> a

a --> ab[Build Automation]
ab --> ab01[AB01 Maven]
ab --> ab03[AB03 OCI Container]
ab --> as01
ab --> ab04[AB04 Helm Charts]
a --> as[Security Scanning]
as --> as01[AS01 OWASP Scan]
a --> ad[Continuous Deployment]
ad --> ab04
ad --> ad01[AD01 ArgoCD]
ad --> ad02[AD02 Maven Repository]
ad --> ad03[AD03 Kubernetes]
ad --> ai02
a --> ai[Continuous Integration]
ai --> ai02[AI02 Quay.IO]
ai --> ai01[AI01 Github Actions]

Quality Requirements

ID Description
AB01 Maven. Build automation via Maven to build all Java Artifacts.
AB03 OCI-Container. Executable services are delivered as OCI-Container plus Helm charts (AB04).
AB04 Helm. Executable services are delivered as OCI-Container (AB03) plus Helm Charts.
AD01 ArgoCD. Active service components are delivered to service via ArgoCD.
AD02 Maven Repository. Java Artifacts are delivered via a maven repository.
AD03 Kubernetes. Active Services are provided via kubernetes are runtime environment.
AI01 Github Actions. The build is automated on Github via GH actions.
AI02 Quay.IO. Containers and Helm Charts are provided via the container registry quay.io
AS01 OWASP-Scan. During build an OWASP based security scan and report is delivered.
OM01 Metrics are collected via a central metric harvesting.
OM02 Alerting is based on metric collection provided by OM01.
OR01 Interval Reporting.
OR02 Dashboarding.
SA01 OpenID Connect is used for network based user authentication
SA02 UME is used for managing user provided content with a permission management.
SA03 mTLS is used for service to service authentication.
SB01 Secure Design is the basis for providing secure software.
SD01 Build Time Scanning.
SD02 Run Time Scanning.

Quality Scenarios